Episode 3: The 1980s, Tanokin Trio, Checkers, and more.

Episode 3: The 1980s-90s in Jpop with Tanokin Trio, Shonentai, Hikaru Genji, Checkers, and SMAP.

Episode 3 tackles the 1980s!

List of songs played:

1. "High Teen Boogie" by Kondo Masahiko

2. "Harajuku Kiss" by Tahara Toshihiko

3. "High School Lullaby" by the Imokin Trio

4. "Namida no Request" by Checkers

5. "Diamond Eyes" by Shounentai

6. "Yuuki 100%" by HikaruGENJI

7. "Easy Come Easy Go" by B'z

8. "Back to You Again" by Byeon Jin Seob


Filmi Girl

I’ve been a fan of Asian pop culture for over 20 years and want to help bridge the gap between East and West. There is a lot of informal (and formal) gatekeeping that goes on and I’d like to help new fans break through the gates.


Episode 4: The 1990s with S.M.A.P., H.O.T., and Seo Taiji


Episode 2: Beginnings. Johnny Kitagawa and the Tigers